Return & Refund Policy

Our return policy is valid for 14 days. You have 14 days to return your product(s) after you've received it. Once 14 days have passed, we unfortunately cannot accept your return(s) anymore.

To be eligible for a return, your item must be unused and in the same condition as you received it. The product must also still be in its original packaging.

There are certain situations where only partial refunds are granted or refunds are refused.

  • Any item that is not in its original condition or has been damaged by your fault.
  • Any item returned more than 14 days after you've received it.

Once we have received and approved the return, your refund will be processed and a refund will be automatically issued to your payment method within 14 days, using the same payment method you placed the order with.

Late or missing refunds
If you have not yet received a refund, check first with your bank account.
Then contact your payment provider/company, it may take some time for your refund to be officially transferred.

If you have done all this and have not yet received your refund, please contact us.

Defective of wrong received products
If you receive a defective or wrong product, please contact us as soon as possible. You must provide us with photographic evidence. We will then ensure that you receive a good product free of charge to replace the damaged or wrong product. If you need to return the product to us, we will cover these costs.

Unfortunately we don't accept the exchange of your items. You can however always return your items within 14 days and place a new order.

We offer a 2-hour cancellation window after placing your order. If you change your mind within this time, please let us know and we'll cancel your order for you.

Shipping your return items
You are responsible for paying the shipping costs for returning any of your items.

It is expected to return the items with a traceable shipping service or shipping insurance. The sender is always responsible for the shipment and we cannot guarantee that we will receive your returned item if you post them without traceable shipping.

You can contact us using the information below: